Главная » Персоналии » Джексон, Майкл Джозеф » Альбом Майкла Джексона "Forever, Michael"

I'll Come Home To You
If I had my way girl
I'd never leave for a minute
But things don't always turn out
The way we want them to
So while I'm away
I want you to remember
How much I love you
I love you, I love you

Let this love lift you up
Whne you're feelin' blue
Wherever I go, I will be loving you
Think of me when you see
Places we once shared
Whatever I do, someday I'll need you there

Wherever I go, whatever I do
I'll always come home
I'll come home to you
Even though we both know
You're not in my arms
Wherever I go, you're always in my heart
Just you ask, I'll come back
Though we're miles apart
Whatever I do, I'll come to where you are
Wherever I go, whatever I do
I'll always come home
I'll come home to you
Wherever I go, whatever I do
I'll always come home
I'll come home to you

Источник: http://www.justmj.ru/forum/
Категория: Альбом Майкла Джексона "Forever, Michael" | Добавил: JustMJru (14.05.2012)
Просмотров: 673 | Теги: Michael, Michael Jackson - Forever | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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