Главная » Персоналии » Клэптон, Эрик » Альбом "No Reason to Cry" (1976)

Black Summer Rain
Where is the sun,
The sun that used to shine on me?
Where has it gone
Or is it just a memory?

I looked through the window,
Staring at the sky,
Waiting for a moment
That always passed me by

Black summer rain,
Black summer rain,
Black summer rain is falling on me, girl

Where is the love,
The love I need to set me free?
And how can I escape
This gloom that is swallowing me?



Источник: http://www.justmj.ru/forum
Категория: Альбом "No Reason to Cry" (1976) | Добавил: JustMJru (17.05.2012)
Просмотров: 639 | Теги: Песни No Reason to Cry | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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