Главная » Персоналии » Клэптон, Эрик » Альбом "Riding with the King" (2000)

Days Of Old
(Riley B. King and Jules Bihari)

Way back yonder in the days of old,
The men was working but not saving any dough.
Then came a woman looking real cool.
She said to herself, "Now that's my fool."

I'm gonna ball tonight.
I'm gonna ball tonight.
Well, I can't break the rule because
Every man is some woman's fool.

Met a girl on the avenue,
She was shy and I was blue,
Like a teacher and a student in school,
Looked at me and said, "You're my fool."


[Repeat First Verse]


We're gonna ball tonight.
We're gonna ball tonight.
We're gonna ball tonight.
We're gonna ball tonight.
Well I can't break the rule because
Every man is some woman's fool.
Категория: Альбом "Riding with the King" (2000) | Добавил: JustMJru (28.05.2012)
Просмотров: 656 | Теги: Песни Riding with the King | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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