Главная » Персоналии » Клэптон, Эрик » Альбом "Riding with the King" (2000)

Key To The Highway
I got the key to the highway,
Billed out and bound to go.
I`m gonna leave here running;
Walking is most too slow.
I`m going back to the border
Woman, where I`m better known.
You know you haven`t done nothing,
Drove a good man away from home.
Live verse: When the moon peeks over the mountains
I`ll be on my way.
I`m gonna roam this old highway
Until the break of day.
Oh give me one, one more kiss mama
Just before I go,
`Cause when I leave this time you know I,
I won`t be back no more.
Категория: Альбом "Riding with the King" (2000) | Добавил: JustMJru (28.05.2012)
Просмотров: 636 | Теги: Песни Riding with the King | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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