Главная » Персоналии » Клэптон, Эрик » Альбом "Another Ticket" (1981)

Something Special
She's something special, I can't explain it,
But when she's near me, I can't contain it
And just one look at her face is good enough for me

No way of knowing which way I'm going,
But I can't stop it, it keeps on growing
And just one look at her face is good enough for me

She ain't too pretty, she ain't too tall,
In fact she ain't too much of anything at all
I don't care what the people say,
They're going to find out some sweet day

She is precious, she is charming,
She is so innocent it's really disarming
And just one look at her face is good enough for me


Third Verse

Is good enough for me,
Is good enough for me

Источник: http://www.justmj.ru
Категория: Альбом "Another Ticket" (1981) | Добавил: JustMJru (18.05.2012)
Просмотров: 633 | Теги: Песни Another Ticket | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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