Главная » Персоналии » Джексон, Майкл Джозеф » Альбом Майкла Джексона "Farewell My Summer Love"

Don't Let It Get You Down
Don.t let it get you down
When you.re not on top
A winner stumbles too
But gets up and never stops, no
Ain.t it a doggone shame
Loving ain.t a friendly game
Don.t let it get you down, oh no
Don.t let it get you down
When the cards are marked
Pick up what.s left and walk away
Before you lose your heart
(Don.t look back, girl)
Ain.t it a doggone shame
Loving ain.t a friendly game
Don.t let it get you down, oh no
Look at me
Don.t it seem like I know what I.m talking about
Talk to me
Let me be, be the one
I could straighten it out
(Don.t let it get you down)
Ain.t it a doggone shame
Loving ain.t a friendly game
Don.t let it get you down
I can bring you sunshine, make you happy
Ain.t no cloudy skies hanging over me, yeah
Don.t let it get you down
Don.t let it get you down
You can start again
Now yesterday is gone
Let tomorrow be your friend
Hey, don.t look back girl
My love is straight ahead
Don.t let it get you down
Oh no
Look at me
Don.t it seem like I know what I.m talking about
Talk to me
Let me be, be the one
I could straighten it out
I could straigthen it out

Источник: http://www.justmj.ru
Категория: Альбом Майкла Джексона "Farewell My Summer Love" | Добавил: JustMJru (20.05.2012)
Просмотров: 692 | Теги: MJ - Farewell My Summer Love | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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