Главная » Персоналии » Джексон, Майкл Джозеф » Альбом Майкла Джексона "Got To Be There"

Got To Be There
Got to be there
(Got to be there)
Be there... in the morning
When she says "hello" to the world

Got to be there
(Got to be there)
Got to... be there,
Bring her good time
And show her that's she's my girl

Oooh... what a feeling I'll be
(...What a feeling I'll be)
The moments I know she loves me...
Cause when I look in her eyes,
I realize...
I need her sharing the world beside... me

So I've got to be there
(Got to be there)
Be there... in the morning
And welcome to my world

And show her that she's my girl
When she says "hello".... world
(Got to be there)
I need her sharing the world beside... me

That's why I've... got to be there
(Got to be there)
Got to... be there
When love begins
And that's everywhere she goes

I've got to be there so she knows
That when she's with me, she's home...
(Oooh...she's home-ooo he she's home)

Got to be there
Got to be... there
(Got to be there...)
Got to be... there
(Got to be there...)
Got to be... there
(Got to be there...)
Got to be... there
(Got to be there...)
Got to be... there
(Got to be there...)

Источник: http://www.justmj.ru/forum/
Категория: Альбом Майкла Джексона "Got To Be There" | Добавил: JustMJru (14.05.2012)
Просмотров: 664 | Теги: Michael Jackson - Got To Be There | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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