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You Were Loved
We all wanna make a place in this world
We all want our voices to be heard
Every one wants a chance to be someone
We all have dreams we need to dream
Sweeter than any star you can reach
Cause when you reach and find
You've found someone
You'll hold this world's most priceless thing
The greatest gift this life can bring
Is when you look back and know
You were loved

You were loved by someone
Touched by someone
Held by someone
Meant something to someone
Loved somebody
Touched somebody's heart
Along the way
You can look back and say
You were loved (yes you were now)
(3rd chorus : You did OK, you were loved)

You can have diamonds in your hands
Have all the riches in the land
But without love
You don't really have a thing, no no no
When somebody cares that you're alive
When somebody trusts you with their life
That's when you'll know
That you have all you need
You'll hold this world's most priceless gift
The finest treasure that there is
You can look back and know
You were loved


So many roads that you can take
Whatever way you go
Don't take that road alone
It's better you should know


So remember to tell that special one
You were loved
You were loved
You were loved
You were loved
Категория: Тексты и переводы песен Уитни Хьюстон | Добавил: JustMJru (22.05.2012)
Просмотров: 789 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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