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Just the Lonely Talking Again
It's the secund time around
For you and I, boy
And believe me, it's confusing me
I'm afraid to say, "let's make up" and, "all's forgiven"
But somethin' tells me I'm headed for heartbreak
So darlin' please, I'm praying that
This time will be different
That you and I can share this dream that I visualize

Tell me are you really ready for love boy
Or is it just the lonely talking again
Are you really ready for love boy
Or is it the lonely talking again

Now the time before when we got together
You promised you'd be forever true to me
But all I got from you
Was lots and lots of talking
Lonely nights filled with misery

So baby please, please tell me now
That when I fulfill your needs
You won't up and leave me
Even though you know I'll let you come back

Chorus - Repeat

(Ad lib:
Really need to know
Tell me now
Really wanna know
Really got to know
Need to know now boy
Really need to know boy
Are we gonna talk
I'm gonna talk
I really wanna know
you tell me now boy
gotta know

Источник: http://www.whitneyhouston.ru/music/lyrics.html?start=30
Категория: Тексты и переводы песен Уитни Хьюстон | Добавил: JustMJru (22.05.2012)
Просмотров: 563 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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