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Joy to the World (c хором Georgia Mass Choir)
Joy to the world
The Lord is come
Let Earth receive her king
Let every heart prepare him room
Let heaven, let heaven, heaven and nature,
Heaven and nature sing
(Everybody sing)

Joy to the world
The Lord is come
Let Earth receive her king
Let every heart prepare him room
Let Heaven and nature sing

Go tell it, go tell it his glory
Shout out his glory
That the savior is born
Let Heaven, heaven, heaven and nature sing


Let fields and flocks
Rocks hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy
Go tell it his glory
Shout out his glory
That the savior is born
Let heaven, heaven, heaven, heaven and nature sing

Sing Joy to the world
For the savior reigns
And makes his blessings flow

Joyful all ye nations rise
Join the triumph of the skies
With angelic hosts proclaim
Glory to the king
While the angels sing

Chorus - Repeat
Ad Lib:
Got to tell it
All over the world
Sing joy, joy joy, peace, love, joy

Joy to the world!

Источник: http://www.whitneyhouston.ru/music/lyrics.html?start=30
Категория: Тексты и переводы песен Уитни Хьюстон | Добавил: JustMJru (22.05.2012)
Просмотров: 501 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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